Local 423 Officers and Representatives
Mike Esposito - President
Pat Mann - Vice President
Joannie O'Donnell - Secretary Treasurer
Edward Anderson -Secretary
Executive Board Members
Tom Kantor - CR & RM Plants
Kevin Bennett - Plainfield
Ryan O’Connor - Belle Mead
Belle Mead T&D
Pat Mann - Shop Steward
Ed Anderson - Alternate Shop Steward
Belle Mead Meter Readers & FSRs
Tony Oliviero - Shop Steward
Pat Senatore - Alternate Shop Steward
Canal Road
Plainfield T&D Representatives
Kevin Bennett - Shop Steward
Everett Donelson - Assistant Shop Steward
Plainfield FSRs, Meter Readers & Large Meter Shop
Tom Estes - Shop Steward
Mike Dicks - Assistant Shop Steward
Raritan Millstone
Tom Kantor - Shop Steward
Sergeant of Arms
Rodney Blades
Matt Hobson, Chairman